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Camel World  




Travel Diary - 2003
5 January | Senegal
22 January |Gambia
18 January |Guinea
9 February | Mali
22 February | Burkina Faso
3 March | Ghana
19 March | Togo
20 March | Benin
25 March | Niger
12 April | Chad
15 April | Cameroon
16 April | Nigeria
30 April | Congo
24 May | RDC
31 May | Angola
5 June | Namibia
27 June | South Africa
30 August | Lesotho
10 September | Swaziland
9 October | Botswana
17 October | Namibia
19 October |
29 October | Malawi
4 November |Mozambique
16 November | Tanzania
12 December | Rwanda
16 December | RDC
18 December | Uganda
24 December | Kenya

Travel Diary - 2004
9 January | Ethiopia
6 February | Sudan
21 February | Saudi Arabia
23 February | Jordan
3 March | Syria
5 March | Turkey
12 March | Greece
21 March | ...And Home


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= Country Info Link


17 months, 43 countries, and 2 vehicles


A Minor Border Incursion...

Well, it's like this. Visas for Nigeria cost a fortune, the elections were imminent, and it didn't really appeal. But when the opportunity arose to cross over from Northern Cameroon for a spot of illegal arms dealing and currency smuggling we just couldn't say no.

So Richard picked up that dodgy old bank note for his collection, and I got my bow and poisoned arrows...